this is all about real life of love sex passion and fear.. i hope you're guys enjoy with my blog..

Jul 17, 2008

What are male virgins waiting for?

An Intellectual Guy answered:
I'm waiting for marriage. That way, when I tie the knot, my wife will be the best lay I've ever had.

A Mr. Nice Guy answered:
Three reasons:

1) I really enjoy foreplay, and I'm afraid that having sex would make the foreplay less hot.

2) I'm kind of a neat freak, and the whole process sounds like it could be messy -- you know, with all the wetness and fluids and everything.

3) I'm a classic "metrosexual" -- I dress well, do yoga, use moisturizer, etc. -- so many women think I'm gay. Which, the more I think about, might actually be the case.

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