this is all about real life of love sex passion and fear.. i hope you're guys enjoy with my blog..

Jul 11, 2008

He wasn't born with a poker face. If he's happy with you, he'll keep responding. If unhappy, his mind will glaze over for a short period and then move on. He keeps a fast pace and is always moving toward the ultimate satisfaction. Sag doesn't do anything he doesn't like or want to; he's fiercely independent and worships his freedom. Not the guy to get tied down, he'll only stay somewhere if he wants to. Plus, he's immune to guilt and his blunt style doesn't make him the most polite type either, so rest assured that if your Sag is hanging around it's because he's digging you. Of course, it could be that he just likes doing you or talking to you. However, if he can openly talk about the future with you, even if it's just tomorrow and having dinner, then take note: there's more to his feelings than just being your buddy — in sex or otherwise. This is not the guy who likes to make plans, so know your eyebrow should be raised if he's ensuring time with you. The ultimate tip-off is if he wants to travel with you (if he pays for your ticket, too, he's even more serious!). However, only when you come back and can still stand each other can you be sure that you're in. By venturing out into the world with him, it means something deep. His commitment must not feel heavy, but adventurous. If he achieves that vibe with you, consider yourself the daredevil genius he's been searching for.

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