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Jul 17, 2008

7 Reasons Men Love Casual Relationships


No Bad Feelings

Breakups are hard, and while it's certainly up for debate, some will claim they're even tougher on women. Nobody wants to suffer through a nasty split, especially when it blows up and turns two people into snarling, hateful animals. But hey, if you hadn't noticed, casual sex-only flings never end up this way; you may breakup, but you do so with a wan “oh well” grin rather than a “God, I hate you”glare. Therefore, in order to spare both of you the possibility of an experience no human wants to deal with, you place it squarely on the table. This is a subject that can be broached at just about any time in an early relationship (provided it hasn't already advanced, of course), and it's a relatively safe discussion topic. While it may sound a bit cowardly, she'll also view your stance as one of compassion. And if she doesn't—she's upset by the theory and calls you out for being “unable to commit”—you know it's time to leave anyway.

Bed Buddies Have All the Fun

As you move forward with any new and ultra-delicious partner, it's best to keep the focus on the no-strings-attached fun, and don't ever do anything that might hint at the possibility of something more. Meeting up for an evening shouldn't translate to a romantic dinner and dancing; it should remain firmly cemented in hitting the clubs, maybe catching a movie (it can't be a chick flick) and back to your place for yet another hot, silk-encased encounter. Gifts aren't completely out of the question, but we're talking about lingerie, not flowers and jewelry. Provided you maintain this style and pace throughout your adventures, any woman will get the picture very quickly, which works in your favor. Essentially, you're conveying your desire and intentions with your actions, and this doesn't require any sort of conversation or discussion. If it's not what she wants, she'll take off. Simple.

Simplicity is what you're shooting for; it gets you up in the morning and it lets you face a brand new day with a vigor and confidence most men never acquire. It's all the easier to attain these feelings of power when a sleek vixen wakes up next to you, purrs contentedly and never once considers anything long-term. When you're both eyeing the same goal, everybody wins.

You're Not the Relationship Type

Every time you take a chance and get involved in a long-term relationship, things always go sour, and you're just plain sick of it. No, that's not true, but that's what you'll tell her. She'll view your statement as honest and forthright, and just like in the first tip, you're thinking of her feelings and emotions.

Step right up on the first night (preferably) and say something like, “I'm just terrible at relationships; it's probably best to keep things simple.”But you have to realize you're taking a few risks: First, she may interpret this as meaning you're not interested in seeing her again for a late-night sex romp (which can be avoided if you wait to discuss it at a later date), and second, you may begin to gain a certain reputation amongst the female community. But on the other hand, maybe that's a beneficial slip; you'll be attracting just the right kind of woman. Eventually, provided you continue to frequent certain hot spots, you won't have to explain so often, and the appropriate woman will drop right into your lap.

It's a Way to Stay Distant

“No strings attached” often hints at emotional strings, which are generally the strongest and most inconvenient for any would-be Player . This being the case, it's best to avoid slipping into full-on intimacy by steering clear of subjects that would define your life and personality. If she truly gets to know you, and begins to fall for that person, you're in for a whole heaping mound of trouble. But one of the best ways to entice women is to embrace the persona of the classic “mysterious, brooding” character, because this will send the very clear message that you nave no interest in opening the door into your life. This isn't the guy who blathers on about his life story, career, or family and friends; this is the guy who loves to have fun but doesn't volunteer much of anything about himself. Some women hate this—they're typically the ones you want to avoid anyway—but others find this “distant and removed” persona sexy as all hell. Yes, the appeal may wear off eventually, but doesn't that actually help your cause?

You're on the Rebound

You've never been on the rebound once in your life, but she doesn't need to know that. If you offer this as a potential reason to stay away from the possibility of a monogamous relationship, there isn't much she can do to change the established direction. She understands you're not an emotional wreck but she also realizes you're not ready to enter into anything serious. You'd rather not talk about the past, and while this new encounter has nothing to do with revenge, it's good to get out and have a bit of fun. Everybody has a meaningless little fling immediately after separating from a long-time partner, but as an effective player, you're permanently entrenched in this mode of freedom-based entertainment. Hey, it's the path to non-stop sumptuous variety, right? Variety is the spice of life, and if you want to develop and maintain your player status, experimentation and multiple partners are core requirements.

Because You Have a Fear of Commitment

Let's face it: You're not looking to keep things simple only because you're morally opposed to the concept of marriage. You want to sleep with more than one hot woman, and you want to do it on a frequent basis. Commitment is a word that should never be uttered in the presence of a player because it's like kryptonite; it makes us keel over in pain, our hands clasped to our chests as we cringe in agony. A touch melodramatic, yes, but the very idea of limiting ourselves to one female leaves a bad taste in our mouths. Therefore, you shouldn't commit to anything; embrace the theory to its fullest. By not committing to anything —even plans for next week—you're sending along a very clear message.

But before you begin to act like an insensitive jackass, this is not a license to flake out on carefully laid plans—standing somebody up time and time again isn't non-committal. That's just sleazy and classless, and neither of those attributes should ever be accurate when describing a player. No, this is more about portraying yourself as a free spirit who doesn't like to be tied down, a fun-seeking individual who isn't interested in annoying entanglements.

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